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Praise for "Buyer & Cellar"


" Rees is amazing. He barely stumbles in this fast-paced monologue with references to movies, music, Broadway, cultural oddities like the 405 (Los Angeles freeway) . . . and Streisand. Channeling Streisand, Rees’ Brooklyn accent, the pugnacious expression on ‘her’ face, the downward gaze from an uptilted head as she stares cross-eyed at her companion, the nasal accent emerging from the famous schnoz . . . Well, by the end of the play you can feel yourself in the presence of this awkward, homely-beautiful megastar.  If you missed this summer’s production, watch for a return at some point. And keep an eye on Donald Rees. He is an original— yes, scintillating."

- Therese Roger, Les Artsze


"Donald Rees is delightful as Alex More, a Los Angeles actor whose career has failed to launch. His shtick is not cloying, and his comic moves have charm. In fact, he kept the entire audience delighted for long over an hour."

- Anna Furstenberg, Montreal Rampage


Praise for ‘ART’

“Donald Rees is right on the money as Serge, the defensive dermatologist who has purchased the snowy painting by an artist named Antrios for 200,000 francs.”

– Pat Donnelly, Montreal Gazette


“Donald Rees stretches his words and gestures to great effect, teasing out Serge’s irritation and anger as only an art- and status-obsessed man can.”

-Sarah Deshaies, Charlebois Post

Praise for “Mistakes Were Made”

“Mistakes Were Made is an intense, unforgettable monologue by Donald Rees in the role of Felix Artifex, a manically overworked producer. Rees is unrelentingly energetic and demonstrates impeccable comedic timing…Rees’ tireless performance of this biting script is truly impressive, and will leave you every bit as frazzled as the protagonist.”

-Vic, Bloody Underrated


“Donald Rees was the perfect actor to bring it to life. Where the dialogue got flamboyant, he stayed grounded in desperation, and he didn’t once miss a beat in his comedic timing.”

- Lyla McQueen, Montreal Rampage

“In Mistakes, directed by Stephanie McKenna, Emma McQueen and Nir Guzinski, a fast-talking New York producer juggles six phone lines while trying to placate a name actor, a stubborn playwright, assorted investors, and a venture gone wrong in a war-torn country. This portrayal is perfectly handled by Rees as everything that can go wrong does.”

– Byron Toben, Rover Arts

Praise for The Laramie Project: 10 Years Later (Directed by Donald Rees)


“I saw the closing Montreal performance of Laramie Project: Ten Years Later. It was powerful, simple, sincere and strong. There were many great performances and it was a very important and worthy project.”

-Roy Surette, Director of Centaur Theatre Company


“This is what theatre is for. This is why people should still do theatre. Superb, fulfilling, authentic and so moving.

=Jordan Arsenault, 2Be Magazine


Outstanding Male Lead - "Mistakes Were Made" 2014


Best Leading Actor - "Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike" 2016


 (WINNER) Best Leading Actor - "Buyer and Cellar" 2017


Best English Comedy - "Buyer and Cellar" 2018


© 2021 by Donald Rees. 

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